Too Much To Do has become an epidemic today that many people around the world seem to be struggling with. It's one of the root causes of why everyone is so stressed and one of the biggest barriers to a happy life. It's been labeled "TBD" (Too Busy Disorder) and it is highly contagious. It robs us of our physical and mental health. It can make us stressed out, anxious, and depressed. It weakens our immune system. It costs us our creativity and sex drive. It's the #1 reason for losing days at work. Can you relate? Maybe you or someone close to you is affected by TBD.
We have a new motto here at Therapeutic Touch this summer: Simplify More...Stress Less! One of the biggest ongoing challenges and life lessons for me is to Keep it Simple. Life seems to work better and feel so much better when things are simple.
Running a business has its challenges but my aim is to keep things simple. I'm trusting that if you've visited us at Therapeutic Touch, you may have picked up on that energy. Don't we all want to have time for what really matters? And the energy to do the things we really love doing? I know I sure do. As we kick off summer, take a moment to ponder how you can simplify.... even the smallest of things have an effect. Summer is about lightening up. Having fun. Feeling free. Making time for what really matters and makes your heart sing. We're ready to kick off the Summer here and I'm grateful for how far we've come. The Jersey Shore is looking better and better. We still have a ways to go but we've sure come far! The majority of things are going really well AND since majority rules....Life is great! I'm coming out of my winter cocoon having spent the better part of these past months hunkered down, working on some projects that have been on the back burner. I don't think I'm alone on this; putting things off, procrastinating, feeling overwhelmed and stressed just thinking about the never ending to-do list. Getting things done, does take time and effort, but surprisingly I had some important revelations along the way to share. I realized that life can be compared to a great big giant buffet table. Everything looks so good and beyond tempting often making it hard to say no. We want it all. Before we know it, we've said yes to too much, packed our plate to overflowing but we continue stuffing ourselves anyway with constant busy-ness, non-stop doing and energetic overload. I don't know about you but whenever I eat at a buffet, it's challenging knowing when to stop before feeling so full and stuffed that I need to unbutton the pants. This is not enjoyment!
Have you heard the saying...We teach what we need to learn? It's my passion to teach others to become wide receivers. And I don't mean on a football field. I'm talking about real life, everyday stuff.
To become as good at receiving, as you are at giving. Listen up. This is important if you want to avoid the pitfalls of falling into the downward spiral of overwhelm, autopilot, crankiness, compassion fatigue and resentment. What a dangerous slippery slope and so hard to climb out from. There is a way out. It's simple but not easy. A belated Happy New Year! I don't know about you but as much as I enjoy the holidays, I tend to overdo things and exhaust myself. It takes me awhile to get back on track and into the groove again. Can you relate? So it's now with a sigh of relief, time to welcome winter and officially grant myself permission to slow down. Wanna join me? I didn't always feel this way about winter or slowing down. I used to have such judgement and resistance when it came to anything about winter. Heck when I was in my twenties, I even went to school in Florida and moved to sunny southern California because I wanted summer year round. But after awhile I missed the seasons.
Make no mistake - Stress & Anxiety are real and on the rise today more than ever. Feeling "stressed out" seems to be the new normal. We often feel that we are being pulled in a hundred different directions. Our world is changing rapidly and there seems to be so much uncertainty. The big question is, what is all this doing to our health and peace of mind?
According to Dr. Mark Hyman, family physician and five-time NY Times best selling author, "Ninety five percent of disease is caused by or worsened by stress." That's alarming and makes me wonder where are we headed? Is there anything quick and easy that will help? |
December 2024