I lost a very dear and good friend last week. Someone I knew for 32 years. My BFF Donna's husband Gene died unexpectedly and way too soon. He was a very special man and will be greatly missed! There's no way around it. It just plain sucks and hurts so bad. Our hearts are broken when losing someone we love. It feels like we've been knocked down. The rug feels pulled out from under us. It takes our breath away. It's beyond hard to comprehend. It doesn't seem real. It's so final.AND, it's so painful. Raw. Vulnerable. We're BROKEN OPEN. Reminded of what we may have forgotten.
Garth Brooks said: "You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy."
According to Garth, Gene was an ULTRA-WEALTHY man!
He loved his FAMILY and FRIENDS more than anything. It was the SIMPLE things in life that he pursued and enjoyed. He loved the beach, telling jokes, laughing, music, sports, having FUN and celebrating LIFE. Gene personified HAPPINESS!
This morning, I came across a note I had written to myself while on a retreat several years ago and tucked it away in a book. It sums up everything I've been feeling this last week...since losing my friend.
Many of us make "TO DO" lists.
But what about a "TO BE" list?
Maybe it's time to give this some thought...How do we wish TO BE?
This is the list I made- How I want TO BE in my life....
Everywhere & Everyday- Life is a gift!
EnJOY simple moments!
Stop being so busy that we miss them.
The Power of the PAUSE.
We're here to share our gifts and to LIVE OUT LOUD! We all have gifts to share.
The world is waiting for YOU to show up and share the gift of who you are!
In tribute to Gene Ray who was unique, lived "Out Loud" and we will never forget....
"Everyone has his unique way of stating the Truth as she/he sees it, and that uniqueness is important, because there will be only certain people you and I will touch in this lifetime, and for those encounters, honesty will be the container of all the gifts we will give and receive." (Hugh Prather)
I'm so grateful for friendship, laughs, good times, and many memories!
May We Always Remember To Celebrate Each day!