This can set us up to feel pushed and pulled. And possibly miss enjoying the season.
I'm reminded of one of the most important and biggest lessons I learned years ago from my Father.
My Dad had open heart surgery- triple by-pass when he was only 48 years. This was a huge wake up call for him as he had lost his Father (my Grandpa) when he was only 10 years old, to a massive heart attack!
My Dad took this as his opportunity to make some big lifestyle changes so he could be around longer.
He gradually adopted a new lifestyle which included more time to sit by the ocean to relax and contemplate his blessings. He made this just as important as changing his eating and exercise habits. He went from being a Type A+ workaholic to becoming a "stop and smell the flowers" kind of guy.
With this epiphany-rebirth, my Dad told all eight of his kids (Yes, 8 of us!) that when it came to ALL Holidays- Birthdays, Christmas and Father's Day- that he didn't want any presents. What he wanted was our time and our 'presence.'
At that time many years ago, I never quite understood how important it was when I carved out time to be with him.
Now I do!
My Dad passed away 10 years later after his wake up call. He died in 1992 and he was only 58 years old.
A couple weeks ago, I celebrated my 58th birthday and I thought about my Dad and all the times we spent together. I thought about how young he was and how much he loved his family. I thought about how blessed I was to receive this beautiful life lesson and teaching from him. It helps shine the light on what's really important and be more aware of how I wish to live my life.
I'm adopting a New Holiday-Christmas Bucket List that speaks volumes to me. I don't know who authored this list but, I do know that my Father would like it very much too.
As you celebrate your holidays...Wishing you the Presence of Beauty, Love, and Light!