To become as good at receiving, as you are at giving. Listen up. This is important if you want to avoid the pitfalls of falling into the downward spiral of overwhelm, autopilot, crankiness, compassion fatigue and resentment. What a dangerous slippery slope and so hard to climb out from. There is a way out. It's simple but not easy.
- It requires remembering yourself.
- It requires unconditionally. loving yourself no matter what.
- Practicing Loving Kindness as self care.
- No need to be perfect. Perfectionism robs our vitality.
- Give yourself permission to be human.
- It's s a shift in consciousness.
Maybe you wonder what the heck all this talk about self care and self love really means and what does it look like? And who has time for all this anyway?
So let's get practical. How you can start practicing Self Love today:
- Stop over scheduling yourself ASAP.
- Refuse to do anything just out of guilt.
- Give yourself REST and downtime.
- Say NO more often.
- Release the need to be perfect.
- Stop with the awful self criticism and judgements.
- Stop comparing yourself to others. Mark Twain said: Comparison is the death of JOY!
Start to notice and say YES to receiving the small things...Welcome and receive compliments and gifts. Notice if you deflect or play the 'push away' game. What inspires you? Make yourself a priority. Be open and worthy to receive.
As we shift into Self Love, our love heals the world. Take good care of yourself. Become the most fully embodied joy seeking authentic version of yourself. Let yourself shine. Don't deny the world your Light- your God given Divine light!
After all, it is February - Celebrate LOVE. Be your own Valentine!