According to Dr. Mark Hyman, family physician and five-time NY Times best selling author, "Ninety five percent of disease is caused by or worsened by stress." That's alarming and makes me wonder where are we headed? Is there anything quick and easy that will help?
Did you know that whenever you become trapped in a Riptide, the experts tell you the key is to RELAX! Let the current take you and don't fight it. Seems counter-intuitive but it's true. It will only exhaust your energy to fight it. The protocol is don't panic. Relax, surrender, lay back, float and let it carry you. It will eventually release you. Our natural inclination is to want to fight against it because we instinctively respond with fear when we feel that we do not have control. For most of us, it sure can be frightening to be out of our comfort zone.
But sometimes surrendering to what is and "going with the flow" is the very thing that will save you. I remind myself this as I look around my community living with the aftermath of 'Superstorm Sandy.' Many of us are living with high anxiety.
Anxiety = Uncertainty x Powerlessness
(Crediting Chip Conley, author of Emotional Equations)
There are many unexpected riptides that will surprise us in life. It may be dealing with an illness, a job loss, financial or family challenges.
What is your big riptide stretching you out of your comfort zone now?
Is it possible to loosen your grip just a bit and see it in a different light?
Give it a try....This may be just the medicine you're waiting for.