Following the Olympics always inspires me. We can only imagine what it takes to get there. The decision to follow a dream. The commitment to do whatever it takes to be your best. To see your greatness and water those passions and talents. The discipline to train even on days when you don't feel like it. To surround yourself with people that support you, stretch you, and believe in you. To become a world champion takes grit, perseverance, and determination. Certainly not for the faint of heart.
"Hitch your wagon to a star" said Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Normally you would hitch your wagon to a horse or animal that would pull it on command and take you where you want to go. But Emerson, along with Michael Phelps, Simone Biles and every other Olympic athlete inspire and invite us to think bigger. Aim higher. Reach for the stars. Follow our dreams.
When we watch them on the podium being awarded their gold, silver and bronze medals, they remind us that we are stronger than we ever imagined. We are capable of things beyond our wildest dreams. It makes us feel great to witness others reaching their God-given potential. They plant a seed, inspire and remind us to follow our dreams.
Closer to home and dreaming BIG, my 11 year old nephew Brady (and Godson) was recently visiting from San Diego and shares his visit to his dream college-Princeton University.
When we ask him "Why? He says it will help him fulfill his dream of someday becoming President of the U.S. Could it be down the pike....Brady Durkin for President? We just never know. (Click here to view Brady's one minute 'Big Dream' Video)!
My friends, whether you're 11 years old, 25 years old, 57 years old or 82 years old...
Keep moving.
Follow your heart.
Enjoy the journey.