- Sometimes clearing the table is necessary before we sit down with our plate.
- Getting the right people at your table to join and help you can make all the difference.
- Break things down into bite size chunks that you can easily chew on.
- Pace yourself. Small doable bites.
- Take your time. What's the rush?
- Pick and choose what feels right today. Let your intuition be your guide.
- Savor and enjoy what's in front of you NOW.
- Being present makes all the difference.
- Stop multitasking. Contrary to what many people believe, we are not wired for multi-taskIng. It's an addictive bad habit, actually stresses us out and has long term harmful effects on our brain. (Tons of research on this!)
- Build your Awareness muscle...one mindful moment at a time!
That's what I did.
Ta da...So excited to share my completed project with you.
It took a lot of Uni-tasking. One thing at a time. Mindfulness. Focus.
It was truly a fun, creative, fulfilling project and real pleasure to bring something in my heart, mind and soul to life. Please take a peak at our new Therapeutic Touch website HERE and let me know what you think. It was something I had planned to have done for our 25th anniversary last year, but I was too busy multi-tasking and procrastinating. It was actually perfect timing NOW!
Is there anything calling to you that maybe you've been procrastinating and putting off doing? Maybe it's time...