Isn't THAT the truth.....There is a ridiculous amount of information out there!!
And it's so darn easy to go overboard and get lost researching, investigating and comparing information.
INFORMATION OVERLOAD and the next stop is usually overwhelm, indecisiveness or my often two favorites = perfectionism and procrastination.
What I know for sure is that information alone does NOT lead to transformation!
But wait a minute! Everywhere we turn, who and what should we listen to and trust? How do we sort through, navigate and find our way?
Let me introduce you to the three phases/approaches to MINDSET pertaining to information. Wherever you recognize yourself, know you always have a choice to jump ship.
When we have a CHILD mindset, we do what we're told and follow the rules.
- We look to others and outside ourselves.
- There's often a lot of SHOULD's with this.
- You should do this and don't do that.
- You oughta do this and never do that.
- It's often rigid, not sustainable and leads to the flip side of the coin.
- We reject the rules and all the should's. We throw up our hands and say "enough already, screw this!"
- We do the exact opposite in rebellion. It's the flip side of the child mindset coin.
- Instead of playing by or rejecting the rules of others, we ask questions, look deeper to discover and make our own rules. We're led by our WISE self.
- That's the place where positive change comes from.
I've jumped around all these mindsets but the positive changes that have stuck were discovered when listening to my wise self. (Often one whisper at a time)
I know without a doubt...
It's much harder to navigate in present times and not drown in a sea of information.
Information doesn't lead to taking action.
We need inspiration.
We need motivation.
We need to take it slow.
We need support and accountability.
We need to ask and know WHY we want what we want!
We need to enJOY the journey!
Take a break from looking outside for all the answers. Go INSIDE and listen to your WISE self!