What I know for sure is that we can only change what we're aware of. The simple act of NOTICING CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING! WHAT WE NOTICE WE CAN CHANGE!
I notice often that I procrastinate. Our monthly newsletter/blog is arriving the last day of the month...oh well, I remind myself that's ok too.
I notice how often I find myself multi-tasking which I know only creates more stress. I remind myself...one thing at a time, over and over.
I notice how overwhelmed I can get. I remind myself of what's really important and ask 'what can I take off my plate right now?'
I notice how easily distracted I can get with my thoughts, my devices, time on FB, Instagram, TV and the media. You name it...these days it's way too easy to get distracted!
When it comes to modern day life, Ellen Degeneres says it best.... "Our attention span is shot. We've all got Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD or OCD or one of these disorders with three letters that we don't have the time or patience to pronounce the whole disorder. That should be a disorder right there, TBD- Too Busy Disorder."
Ellen has a wonderful way of shining the light while bringing laughter and helping us see the human condition more clearly.
Bottom line, we're often just stuck in too busy mode. But remember...what we notice, we can change.
Taking a PAUSE to NOTICE can be a big game changer. It's simple and easy. And remember to ALWAYS BE KIND and LAUGH at yourself too!