WHO KNEW when I started the 2020 NEW YEAR off with my family in Southern California that life as I knew it was about to radically change.
To make a very long story short, for several years I’ve been wanting to SIMPLIFY MY LIFE which included downsizing Therapeutic Touch. On New Year's Eve day, I notified my landlord that I would NOT be extending my lease and moving out by 3/31/20.
Have you ever made a BIG decision that you know is right BUT it’s still really hard and very scary?
I knew for sure that it was time to LET GO & SIMPLIFY but I still didn’t know what the other side of letting go would look like. IMAGINE THAT....a recovering control freak jumping off a cliff not sure if I would CRASH, BURN, or FLY!
I went to bed that night praying for PEACE OF MIND & GUIDANCE hoping it would all somehow work out.
When I woke up January 1st, NEW YEARS DAY, I declared that I was hereby RESIGNING AS GENERAL MANAGER OF THE UNIVERSE! 💪🏼
Not totally sure what that meant, but yep I knew I had to completely LET GO....It was time to SURRENDER🌟TRUST🌟TURN IT OVER🌟WORRYING NOT ALLOWED🌟(HOLY SH*T what the HELL did I just do?)
I thought I had a plan but all I can say is that it ALL FELL APART and then somehow CAME TOGETHER in such a way that I could have never imagined.
We were in the process of getting permits for building walls, electric, and plumbing for the place we thought we were moving to, when the Bay Head Municipal Office was shutting down due to COVID. Two weeks turned into three months...
Looking back, I recognize synchronicity, serendipity, and the grace of GOD at work all along. A series of many delays and weird things happening that held things up which perhaps were a blessing in disguise. Have you heard the definition for coincidences....GOD’S way of remaining anonymous!
Everything fell apart & somehow came together. Feels like a MIRACLE to have landed on my feet in a place I hadn’t planned on.
We’re re-opening in a kinda new space...downstairs at 92 Bridge Ave (directly across from the BH Cheese shop) It’s not completely new because we’ve had our upstairs ANNEX overlooking TwilightLake since 1999 but we always kept it a BIG secret so people wouldn’t get confused thinking we moved. FOR NOW HERE WE ARE! It’s a month-to-month deal and honestly that feels PERFECT right NOW.
It feels like a gift when we move from the dark side of the moon to a sunnier place. I still don’t know what the future holds but that’s okay. I do know that CHANGE is inevitable. It’s an illusion to believe that we have total control over our lives. Of course, some things we do control AND a lot we don’t and that’s okay.
Buddhist nun, Pema Chodren wrote a book called “WHEN THINGS FALL APART”. I started re-reading it and couldn’t get past the first chapter “Intimacy with Fear.”I read that chapter every single day the first week of quarantine. She states that suffering occurs when we are attached to life and things staying the same. But she says that things come together and then they fall apart. Things fall apart and then they come together. Over & over...that’s life. She says in chapter one, FREEDOM comes when we’re able to be present and allow all of our feelings including fear and allowing life to unfold. We’re free when we can welcome EVERYTHING.
Hang in there... take extra good care of yourself! I believe that we can do hard things...I know we can and we will. We’re not alone...We’re all in this one together!