It's not easy to know what we need and then carve out that time for ourselves. Sometimes we wait and learn the hard way. Something I know for sure...When we fill ourselves up, everyone benefits. We have more to give and then giving comes more easily from our overflow. What fills YOU up and are you doing it?
I practice what I preach and I preach what I practice. Recently on my Pocono retreat, the spa had a power napping class everyday after lunch. Like a group siesta, twenty five of us laid on yoga mats on the floor with blankets and eye pillows for 30 minutes. We were guided through visualization into deep relaxation. Downtime isn't easy in our culture. Taking this home and giving myself and others permission to REST.
Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, clinical professor of Psychiatry at UCLA lays out a model for the 7 different ways to spend our time for optimal health. Take a look at this brilliant approach of how we can become mindfully aware of our time in order to create more wellness, resilience and happiness.
Sleep time - Do you get a restful full nights sleep regularly?
Physical time - Do you take the time to nourish your body with healthy eating and move to let your body be active?
Focus Time - Do you take the time to be alone and focus on what matters to you?
Time In - Do you take a few moments everyday for prayer, meditation or reflection?
Time Out - What time during the day do you rest?
Play Time - Do you give yourself time to enjoy a carefree mood and have fun?
Connecting Time - Is there intimate private time with those you love and care for?
In order to create fulfillment and optimal health, pay attention to all seven departments of time in your life. Notice what area may be calling for more attention. What steps can you take to feed that area of your brain for more life with balance today?
Remember... Balance is not a destination but an ongoing journey!