I left the party Spellbound with gratitude. Reminded above all else…how important and special it is to carve out time to gather and celebrate birthdays, milestones and accomplishments. And always BE GRATEFUL!
This weekend is Fathers Day. A special shout-out and wishes to all the DADS out there
Next week is the kickoff to Summer. We have a special event if you’re at the Jersey Shore-Join us on the beach for Sound Healing Crystal Bowl Sound Healing Annual Summer Solstice Celebration. (It’s FREE-Details below)
Last but not least, it’s our 34th anniversary here at Therapeutic Touch on Monday 6/19. I’m filled with gratitude and awe that I’ve landed and rooted in this very special place and have met so many incredibly wonderful people. I’m grateful for my team that aligns with the mission of TT to do our best each and everyday helping others which helps make the world a better place.
How do you say “Thank You” for sunshine or health…for clear days or gentle rains…for happiness, joy or love? You say it by sharing what you have. You say it by making the world a better place in which to live. -Thomas Willhite
From the bottom of my heart Thank You Thank YouThank You