What seems true is our culture is stuck on masking symptoms and not looking therefore not finding the root cause of our complaints and ailments. So often it's just a small lifestyle adjustment needed; perhaps tweaking what we're eating, getting proper exercise, getting more sleep, scheduling recovery time with rest, massage or being more patient and kind to ourselves.
Navigating through my midlife changes several years ago, I adopted the motto: AGING IS LIKE TRUTH SERUM.
Perhaps the lifestyle of my younger years just wasn't sustainable. I realized I needed more rest, less caffeine and prioritize smarter food choices and managing stress better to lower my cortisol. It's a process that took time to figure out but well worth the effort.
Our body has innate wisdom and is brilliantly communicating to us constantly. Tune in. Notice. Ask. Listen. Feel. Pay attention to exhaustion, insomnia, irritability, digestive issues, pain. These are all messages. Notice how you're feeling. What is your body wanting and needing? How can you adjust accordingly?
Don't wait til those whispers become shouts or you get hit over the head with a two-by-four health crisis.
Midlife WITHOUT crisis is possible!
I'm a big believer that if we pay attention, we learn. Sometimes we don't learn quickly or easily but hopefully sooner than later we learn. Especially when it comes to matters of our health and well being!
After reading the poem, Anxiety Doesn't Knock First, I've tweaked it a bit to be my new motto. Feel free to apply to your life:
"Don't get me wrong.
I'm still busy but not in a way most people understand.
I am busy taking deep breaths.
I am busy silencing irrational thoughts.
I am busy calming a racing heart.
I am busy telling myself everything is okay.
So this is my new busy,
And I will not apologize for it."
Wishing you insight & progress on awakening the healing power within!