The statistics show that only 8% of people that make resolutions will succeed. I want you to be in that 8% but here's the thing: Maybe you have been going about this all wrong. Especially obvious if you keep making the same darn resolution year after year.
The good news is that there is another way. It took me a long time to figure this out. When we approach creating change by going deeper to uncover what we are really after, we will draw upon a deeper force to help carry us through.
What is your real desire? How do you want to really feel?
I let go of the resolution thing in favor of going deeper to discover my deep down desires. My resolution used to be "lose a few pounds and get in better shape." What we're really after is changing how we feel. My deepest desire is to feel...
Connecting to these desires will help fuel me to do what I gotta do to get there. We need to feel inspired to take action. Inspiration precedes motivation. This is much more inspiring than punishment with a rigid strict diet that isn't any fun. Don't you agree?
It's only when we take a holistic approach in our lives that we will succeed. What's been missing all along is the awareness to our mind/body connection. So ask yourself:
- What are your deep down desires?
- How would you like to feel?
- What can you do TODAY that will help you feel this way?
Let go of fighting against what you don't want. Focus on what you do want and where you want to go. Its only by connecting to our desires, do we draw our intentions to us.
Remember that what we think about is what we bring about!