Nature is bursting with beauty and magnificence!
Are you feeling the excitement, joy and renewal that arrive with this miraculous time of REBIRTH?
It's time to not only open the windows and let the fresh air in. It's time to welcome Spring with ALL of our senses....
- OPEN our eyes to SEE,
- our ears to HEAR,
- our noses to SMELL,
- our hands to TOUCH the magic and beauty of SPRING!
I just completed a 40 day (during Lent) News Fast and feel recharged. I was inspired to seriously unplug after a retreat in the Berkshires earlier this winter and being asked three questions that I'll share with you....
- What are you currently saying yes to that diffuses your energy?
- What are you saying no to that would increase happiness, energy, vitality, and movement toward your best life?
- What one thing can you commit to either saying YES or NO to bring you closer to that sweet spot?
We listened. We reconnected. We rejuvenated. We recharged without a charger!
Thank you Mother Nature for modeling and teaching us this important big lesson....REST is needed to cultivate and sustain energy and vitality.
This is the essence of what we believe, teach and share everyday at Therapeutic Touch.
"Instead of focusing on what you can live with, we should be focusing on what we can't live without." -Ebony Carter